NekoJonez: The Aware Character: S1 C1 Episode 2: Anger and the doorbell

The Aware Character.

A (short) story written by: NekoJonez

© 2014 Arpegi – All Rights Reserved.

Season 1: Discovery of the Generic Tales.

Chapter 1: The Old Plot – Episode 2: Anger and the doorbell.

His mind went in overdrive. “Nope, nope, nope. NOPE!” George thought. He couldn’t believe it. He thought that it was another trick of her to get more money out of him.

He threw himself on his bed and planted his face down on his pillow and started screaming out of anger. “No way! Sophie has to be lying! BITCH!” George shouted. After a few minutes, the doorbell rang. The loud sounds where going through the living room.

George got out of bed, tried to stop crying and opened the door. Nobody was there. He slammed his door shut with brute force. Only a small moment he was afraid that he used so much force that one of the windows near his front door could crack.

Then the doorbell rang again. George directly opened the door, and once more, nobody was there. Not even a soul. He was puzzled. How could somebody ring at a door and hide so quickly?

It was on that moment that George’s inspiration went wild. He suddenly got ideas for his book. He closed the door calmly this time and he walked towards his desk. He took place on his chair and booted up his computer.

His chair was one he couldn’t throw away. Long ago, on a holiday job, George had to look after a group of children and entertain them. As a prank they painted his chair in various colors of paint. Nearly every color you can think of. The staff decided that George should keep the chair as a souvenir.

The computer booted faster than usual. “That virus I removed last night… Possibly it slowed the booting up down.” That was the only thought that went through his mind about it.

George opened his usual set of programs and directly started typing away. Chapter after chapter, it was as easy as breathing. The story was writing itself. Somehow his invisible guest gave him a stream of ideas. He compared it to the story when the Holy Spirit helped the apostles when Jezus died. George kept writing until he fell asleep on his de

~ Dream sequence starts here. ~

George got up from his chair. He looked around and saw an empty room. A lamp hanging down from the ceiling was the only light source in the room. The atmosphere in the room felt like a questioning room from some big investigation group.

In front of him sat a man, just of out the light. George couldn’t see a lot from the man. There was one thing that confirmed his gender. The man was singing a lullaby. Not any lullaby, one that he wrote in one of his horror novels.

George was confused. He knew that he was dream but how could two stories cross paths in a way he never intended? The story he was currently writing was a detective thriller. “It has nothing to do with the horror story I wrote. That was about a man singing you to sleep. Killing their victims… in… their… dreams….”


What is this?

Recently I wanted to start writing my own story. And this is the format I’ll release it in. Compare it to my creepypasta’s but this story will continue.

When I find the time, I’m writing one Word page for each episode. I know this is short but keep in mind that my exams and such are upcoming… So yeah, I need to have something that I can publish quickly.

The second episode has been written already. I don’t have a plan in mind how regular the episodes will be. I’ll try to publish at least one each month.

I hope you guys enjoy. Feel free to leave in the comments some suggestions to where I should take the story. I have a main plot line planned but I love playing with input of my readers.

Don’t worry, this side project won’t take over my usual gaming content. It will also serve as a sort of variety for me. I was getting afraid that I started to get burned out on writing game reviews. But since I started writing this story, I found my motivation back.

Anyways, thanks for reading and I hope to see you in the next episode.

Update: I know that the story can use a ton of improvements. Now, I got some very amazing feedback for some people on my forum. The feedback will be more present in the next episodes.