30-DAY ANIME CHALLENGE! (DAY 20): Anime Character That Gets On Your Nerves

DAY 20:  Anime Character That Gets On Your Nerves


This one…..I don’t even have to think.

Makoto Itou, from School Days

Honestly, was there any surprise with my pick?


I didn’t think so.


Coming off as a normal, mild-mannered individual (really, you have no idea how difficult it was for me to acknowledge that), Makoto is a tentative, ignorant bastard who does not value women in any way, shape, or form, and views them as tools for his sexual entertainment.  This is shown when he becomes bored with Kotonoha due to the lack of sexual activity in their relationship and lies to Sekai that he loves her to get her to sleep with him. This becomes worse as the series progresses as he ignores both Kotonoha and Sekai, then he starts to sleep with every girl who shows an interest to him. Later in the story he gets all ties cut from his lovers because he got Sekai pregnant and to avoid responsibility dumps her and goes back to Kotonoha.

Selfish and indecisive as hell, he lets his penis do the thinking instead of using his brain when it comes to dealing with women who are interested in him.  His abnormally large sex drive and naturally dullness also attribute to his irresponsibility when faced with the consequences of his actions, making for a character that you just wish was stabbed fifteen million times because his actions are so irrational and misogynistic.

Oh wait.

Sweet justice.

Excuse me for the excess colloquialism.  That’s what happens when I get extremely ticked off at an anime character.  Well, I’m interested to know which anime character do you guys think is worthy of the annual Bastard Awards.

See you guys in Day 21!


  1. I won’t say he gets on my nerves, but he is a fascinating character for me. He started out being an innocent boy staring at the girl he likes, but after when he started dating her he went downhill. It kind of reminds me of how he seems to be in love with the idea of love rather than the actual relationship process. Clearly he wanted sexual intimacy but that doesn’t happen that quick for a lot of couples.